5 min read

Docket+ 3 April

Docket+ is a weekly roundup of the latest influence operations-related academic research, events and job opportunities.
Docket+ 3 April
Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Hi! I'm Victoria and welcome to DisinfoDocket. Docket+ is a weekly roundup of the latest influence operations-related academic research, events and job opportunities.

Did you know that DisinfoDocket takes requests? If you have suggestions or relevant work that you'd like to see included, simply reply to this email and send us the details!

Good morning! Don't miss -
* Disinformation glossary: 150+ terms to understand the information disorder
* Coping with Internet Shutdowns and Online Censorship
* Disinformation Nation: How Partisan Politicians Distort History
* and scroll down for upcoming events and job opportunities


  1. Russia and China as hybrid threat actors: The shared self-other dynamics (Hybrid CoE, 29 March)
  2. Despite Western bans, Putinā€™s propaganda flourishes in Spanish on TV and social media (Reuters Institute, 30 March)

1. Academia & Research

1.1 Platforms & Technology

  1. Despite OpenAIā€™s Promises, the Companyā€™s New AI Tool Produces Misinformation More Frequently, and More Persuasively, than its Predecessor (News Guard, March)
  2. Learning about informal fallacies and the detection of fake news: An experimental intervention (Plos One, 29 March)

Governance, Regulation & Content Moderation

  1. Under the Radar: Analyzing Recent Twitter Information Operations to Improve Detection and Removal of Malicious Actors, Part 1 (SSRN, 21 March)

Information Spread

  1. Moralization of rationality can stimulate sharing of hostile and false news, but intellectual humility inhibits it (OSF, 28 March)
  2. Emotional Framing in the Spreading of False and True Claims (ArXiv, 29 March)

Images & Visualisations

  1. The Challenges of Studying Misinformation on Video-Sharing Platforms During Crises and Mass-Convergence Events (ArXiv, 25 March)

1.2 World News

  1. ā€˜Tomatoes for Tanksā€™: Humour and Violence in Post-Brexit Meme Culture (GNET, 27 March)
  2. Find it, vet it, share it: The US governmentā€™s open-source intelligence problem and how to fix it (Modern War Institute, 24 March)
  3. Angry Posts Mobilize: Emotional Communication and Online Mobilization in the Facebook Pages of Western European Right-Wing Populist Leaders (Sage, 26 March)
  4. Post-colonial gaslighting and Greenlandic independence: When ontological insecurity sustains hierarchy (Sage, 29 March)

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