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Docket+ 13 May

Docket+ is a weekly roundup of the latest influence operations-related academic research, events and job opportunities.
Docket+ 13 May
Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Hi! I'm Victoria and welcome to DisinfoDocket. Docket+ is a weekly roundup of the latest influence operations-related academic research, events and job opportunities.

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  1. U.S. Election Hardens Hate Universe (ArXiv, 1 May)
  2. Silenced, shamed, threatened: new research reveals how online abuse has become normalised for Ethiopian women (Centre for Information Resilience, 8 May)
  3. How Generative AI Is Helping Fact-Checkers Flag Election Disinformation, But Is Less Useful in the Global South (GIJN, 8 May)
  4. The meh Election: In the next three to four weeks, we have major elections in South Africa, India, Mexico, and the EU. There’s been all this hype about disinformation and AI. Why, then, does it feel quiet? (Anchor Change, 8 May)
  5. Polarization and the Press: 12 Ways to Restore Respect for Your Reporting (Stanford, May)
  6. Update on the Doppelgänger Operation (InfoEpi Lab, 10 May)

1. Academia & Research

1.1 Platforms & Technology

  1. Syllabus: Large Language Models, Content Moderation, and Political Communication (Tech Policy Press, 7 May)
  2. Algorithm expert Yves Punie (ECAT): 'The time of the Wild West on social media is over' (European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency, 7 May)
  3. A Roadmap for Multilingual, Multimodal Domain Independent Deception Detection (ArXiv, 7 May)
  4. Platform policy and online abuse: Understanding differential protections for public figures (SAGE, 7 May)


  1. New AI and Large Language Model Tools for Journalists: What to Know (GIJN, 7 May)

1.2 World News 

  1. Targeting Taiwan: China’s influence efforts on the island (DFRLab, 6 May)
  2. Growing Partisan Divisions Over NATO and Ukraine (Pew, 8 May)
  3. US campus protests being weaponized by ‘Spamouflage’ network ahead of elections (ISD, 7 May)
  4. #Gaylor and the Dynamics of Online Identity Exploration (CITAP, 7 May)
  5. Susceptibility to Online Misinformation: A Systematic Meta-Analysis of Demographic and Psychological Factors (OSF, 9 May)
  6. Do we advise as one likes? The alignment bias in social advice giving (OSF, 4 May)
  7. Double misinformation and eyewitness performance: An experimental replication (Wiley, 6 May)
  8. The hatred of all against all? Evidence from online community platforms in South Korea (Plos One, 6 May)
  9. Fear of Expansion and Domination: Toxic and Ethnic Frames Amidst Call to #SayNoToRUGA on Nigerian Twittersphere (SAGE, 6 May)
  10. Diary of a frosty fraud: Posts from a pro-Trump X account with a GAN-generated face have repeatedly gone viral over the last month (Conspirator Norteño, 10 May)

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