4 min read

Docket+ 25 September

Docket+ is a weekly roundup of the latest influence operations-related academic research, events and job opportunities.
Docket+ 25 September
Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Hi! I'm Victoria and welcome to DisinfoDocket. Docket+ is a weekly roundup of the latest influence operations-related academic research, events and job opportunities.

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  1. Rise of post-pandemic resilience across the distrust ecosystem (Nature, 20 September)
  2. Trust and Safety Research Conference Proceedings 2023 (Journal of Trust & Safety, 18 September)
  3. Seismic Shifts: How Economic, Technological, and Political Trends are Challenging Independent Counter-Election-Disinformation Initiatives in the United States (CDT, 21 September)
  4. No association between numerical ability and politically motivated reasoning in a large US probability sample (PNAS, 31 July)

1. Academia & Research
1.1 Platforms & Technology

  1. The Messy Truth About Teen Social Media Use and Suicide Risk (Psychology Today, 20 September)
  2. Does Social Media Use Polarize or Depolarize Political Opinion in China? Explaining Opinion Polarization Within an Extended Communication Mediation Model (SAGE, 21 September)
  3. Narratives of Change to Platform Governance on DTube, an Emerging Blockchain-Based Video-Sharing Platform (SAGE, 21 September)
  4. Conceptualizing a Framework for Social Media Data Sharing (SSRN, 19 September)

1.2 World News

  1. Inauthentic Facebook network linked to Georgian government StratCom unit (DFRLab, 20 September)
  2. A Kremlin mouthpiece at the heart of Africa: how Afrique Média helps Putin court audiences in their own language (Reuters Institute, 19 September)
  3. Comparing the #StopTheSteal Movement across Multiple Platforms: Differentiating Discourse on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler (SAGE, 19 September)
  4. The Colors of Disinformation (SSRN, 12 September)

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