5 min read

Docket+ 10 July

Docket+ is a weekly roundup of the latest influence operations-related academic research, events and job opportunities.
Docket+ 10 July
Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Hi! I'm Victoria and welcome to DisinfoDocket. Docket+ is a weekly roundup of the latest influence operations-related academic research, events and job opportunities.

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Good morning! Don't miss -
* How publishers can fight misinformation in and about science and medicine
* As Cambodia approaches a crucial election, journalists suffer shutdowns and abuse
* Reducing Misinformation in a Polarized Context: Experimental Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire


  1. Saudi Arabia’s execution of two Bahrainis sparks competing hashtags on Twitter (DFRLab, 5 July)
  2. TikTok fails to enforce content removal of climate change-denial videos, BBC investigation finds (ISD, 30 June)
  3. Building Resilience: Identifying Community Solutions to Targeted Disinformation (PEN, July)
  4. Towards Digital Platforms and Public Purpose: Final Report of the Democracy and Internet Governance Initiative (Harvard University, 6 July)
  5. Tale of a viral fraud: A Twitter account that claimed to be a liberal U.S. voter in a blue state and gained popularity in 2020 via misleading political tweets may have been operated from overseas (Conspirator Norteño, 8 July)

1. Academia & Research

1.1 Platforms & Technology

  1. Kat Duffy on the state of the trust and safety industry in 2023 and what comes next (Everything in Moderation, 30 June)

1.2 World News

  1. Double Check: Has the Havana Syndrome mystery finally been put to rest? (Logically, 3 July)

Russia & Ukraine

  1. ‘To challenge Russia’s ongoing disinformation campaigns’: eight years of EUvsDisinfo (EUvsDisinfo, 5 July)
  2. Kicking up dust in Zaporizhzhia (EUvsDisinfo, 6 July)

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